Educar a niños y niñas para la vida. Prepararlos con las herramientas básicas para entender este mundo tan complejo, para desarrollar emociones positivas, para comprender y tolerar, para mejorar el mundo. La inteligencia emocional es un componente fundamental de la potencialidad humana que se ha de trabajar en clase mediante la creación de situaciones que propicien su desempeño, el establecimiento de un clima propicio en el aula y una atención específica al desarrollo de esta competencia. Consciente de su importancia, el profesorado de nuestro centro al completo, está inmerso en un programa de formación en competencia emocional a través del Centro de Profesores de Sevilla, con la asesoría a cargo de Almudena Serra.
"When a child is born we do everything we can to protect them, nurture them, love them. A child’s heart and mind are fragile. As they grow we want to teach them everything that we know; we send them to school to fill their minds with wonderful knowledge, to give them the tools they need for life. At school they get a taste of what things are like in the world outside; there’s friendship, romance, disappointment, embarrassment, discrimination and bullying. But are the tools we give them enough to prepare them for this world? We have an enormous responsibility and an amazing opportunity. If we truly want to prepare them for the world outside, we must also educate the heart, because to navigate the world outside with compassion, acceptance and tolerance, we need to teach them compassion, acceptance and tolerance. This can begin in our schools and it can start today; it can happen at hockey practice, dance class, at day camps and music lessons; and it’s already happening around the world with astonishing results. If we want our children to grow into socially and emotionally capable young people we must ask for a balanced education that puts importance on educating both the mind and the heart."